Chambers – English Surname

Chambers – English Surname

Our Price: $8.00

Popularised as a surname throughout the British Isles in the wake of the Norman Conquest of 1066 – a pivotal moment in history - ‘Chambers’ figures prominently in the historical record. While some of its bearers gained great power and influence at the point of a sword, others have achieved lasting distinction through a range of more peaceful pursuits that most notably include literary endeavour. Not only of inquiring literary and scientific minds but also pioneers in the world of publishing, two nineteenth century bearers of the name left a legacy that survives to this day. They were the brothers William and Robert Chambers, born respectively in 1800 and 1802 in the town of Peebles in the Scottish Borders, and who went on to produce noted works that include the Chamber’s Encyclopaedia and The Chambers Dictionary. The inspiring tale of bearers of the Chambers name is presented here. 


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